That's just stupid - only imbeciles do shit like that.

Anyone who's ever had an auto go full auto in their freakin' hand knows this, and on more than one occasion I've had a 1911 go full auto on me.

The weapon takes a more or less vertical trajectory, and more than likely after three or four rounds one of the cartridges will stovepipe - that in and of itself not a very fun thing.

The lack of control over your weapon is immediate and violent, it's over before you can react, and in once case, at the outdoor LAPD range in San Pedro, a round went through the roof of the awning over the stations. Fortunately, no rangemaster caught that or I might have been liable for the repair to patch the hole.

Bottom line, use of a semi-automatic handgun involves an amount of "recovery time" between rounds to stay on target. A fully auto handgun is virtually useless and the muzzle will climb with hazardous unpredictability - do not adjust trigger pulls to less than 3lbs as a general rule, and if one goes full auto on you, take it to a qualified gunsmith to be repaired... especially if that gun is one that you will stake the lives of yourself and your family on.

Finally.... Glocks fucking suck anyway. Better off to get a Springfield XD or an H&K USP, both of which are quality weapons of similar functionality.