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@yurnidiot well I’ll not not try this when re-wiring the house….


@yurnidiot One of few times someone has got "their" cat to do something useful! :blobcatcool:

Just Bob πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²β™’πŸ§


πŸ˜‚ And to think I've pulled cable the hard way for years πŸ˜‚


@yurnidiot Absolute genius! My cat would not be that reliable though, even for treats πŸ˜‚


@yurnidiot Personally I want to find a way to monetize being cat furniture. I spend way too much time being bed, chair, or ground zero for a slap fight to be doing it for free.

Sci-Fi Girl


What if the cat gets tangled up down there? 😯

Alan Langford

@yurnidiot Why fish a cable when you can cat it?

Patty Kimura

@yurnidiot Yay. A cat with a useful job, instead just staring at me in disgust at the food she just loved 20 minutes ago.


ε…»ηŒ«εƒζ—₯οΌŒη”¨εœ¨δΈ€ζ—Ά :blobcatcoffee:

Jonas Trostle

@yurnidiot I didn't think the "get a cat and tie a string around it" technique from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia would work

Turns out, I was wrong

Comrade elronxenu

@yurnidiot Always run cables through ducting, people!


@yurnidiot Cat5e most likely; Cat6 is too stiff for that, and Cat5e fully suffices for GigE and even more.


@yurnidiot that is suuuuper dangerous for the cat please don't ever do this

Kydia Music


Such a good helper! Give her a raise 😭


@yurnidiot they use this method on ships or subs? I believe, using ferrets

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