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Yeshaya Lazarevich

So I have an idea for a static site generator #SSG feature I'd like to use, and I'm curious if this is supported by an existing one, or if I'm going to have to put this on my pile of projects that will never get done.

I would like to be able to run an incremental build in production using a web hook, with an API based #CMS backend. This is in order to make very fast updates.

Yeshaya Lazarevich

@matthew I don't want to render the page every time it's viewed though. What I want it to be able to render it once and "cache" it on a cdn, until I can use a webhook to invalidate and rebuild that particular cached object when it's edited on the CMS

Yeah, that's SSR with extra steps 😀 You can just set up your CDN to cache pages for a long time, and then invalidate specific pages that you've changed by notifying the CDN (with Cloudfront this is pretty easy to do).
Yeshaya Lazarevich

@matthew how is that different from what they call Incremental Static Regeneration at NextJS?

Part of my problem is that I don't want to wait until a page is visited to regenerate it (I assume that if I just invalidate the page then this is what would happen). I suppose that what I could do is just hit the page url after invalidating to trigger a rebuild. But it feels hacky, not using the tool (SSR+CDN cache) for the purpose it was made for.

@matthew how is that different from what they call Incremental Static Regeneration at NextJS?

Part of my problem is that I don't want to wait until a page is visited to regenerate it (I assume that if I just invalidate the page then this is what would happen). I suppose that what I could do is just hit the page url after invalidating to trigger a rebuild. But it feels hacky, not using the tool (SSR+CDN...

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