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Niki Tonsky

CSS challenge! First picture is what I need, second is what I get. Can you fix it? Has to stay a single grid. Start here

What I need
What I get
Григорий Клюшников

Добавил align-items: start

а, хотя это не совсем то, что ты хочешь

Niki Tonsky

@grishka неработающих решений у меня хватает, ага

Roma Komarov

@nikitonsky The `.poster` elements should always have a `span` that will cover more lines that you think it should: in this case the second and third poster should have a span 3 and 4.

If you're ok with removing the vertical gap from the grid, then you could do something like span 99, but with a vertical gap (like in your example) it won't work.

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