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Local Dad, Ben Hamill

"We should listen to these kids and pay attention. They have the luxury of having a conscience and not being ground down by the weight of obligation and worry. The kids can see with clear eyes."

A friend of mine said this about the pro-Palestine protests at our local university. The more I think about it the more I like it. It's, like, the opposite framing of "you'll understand when you're older" or "they don't know what it's like in the real world" or whatever.

I love the implication that these concerns of the "real world" are, in fact, artificial impositions that cloud our judgement, rather than inevitable constraints that must be accommodated. Bowing our ideals to the "realities of adulthood" is just accommodating the comfort of those of us who have carved out a space in a fucked up system. Maybe some things are more important than our comfort.

15 comments | Expand all CWs

@benhamill Truly seeing things like this softens my heart. It is the absolute polar opposite of the cold, sneering "Still have a soul? Don't worry that'll get beat out of you by the time you're 30 ;)" attitude a lot of boomers and X-ers had when I was coming of age.


@benhamill How clear can anyone’s eyes be when they are being subjected daily to massive multinational propaganda assaults, ongoing since at least 2015? The object isn’t to encourage protests. We all protest because this complex situation is heartbreaking. Look at the push to Demonize Biden & dissuade people from voting when it’s clear that a vote for tRump will result in a multitude more deaths & suffering & not just in Gaza. #USPol #farL

Afraid of Americans


It's alarming. I'm not sure how many of these big voices are thinking it thru, but I keep expecting more of people than they seem to be able to deliver.

Famine is established, tho. All of those people will die while we're campaigning for November. Macklemore's song kind of helped me recognize that Biden's win in November can be my fight when the campaign itself is suffering famine. Until then, there's more urgent business.



@Weirding_Is_Real Hopefully the sea attempt to lessen the famine and avoid Bibi’s fuckery will succeed.

Afraid of Americans

@Pineywoozle 🤞🤞


@Weirding_Is_Real Oh I know fingers toes you name it it’s crossed in the hope that this helps. It’s so fucking sick what Netanyahu is doing.

Afraid of Americans

@Pineywoozle I've never been more afraid for my Jewish brothers and sisters as I am now. It's reassuring to find like-minded progressive folks here. 🫂


@Weirding_Is_Real The level of antisemitism being pushed currently as a way to divide the vote as well as harm Jewish people is genuinely frightening. Bibi is a hateful person and Hamas is a hatefilled organization. Neither of those facts justifies antisemitism or hate for innocent Palestinian people.

LA Legault 🛑 doing genocide.

@Pineywoozle @benhamill the push to demonize Biden? You mean the very rational objection to his facilitation of a genocide?


@LALegault I mean an underinformed, propagandized demonization of anyone in a complicated situation that doesn’t also point out that no matter how bad they think the person is they understand that not voting for them would result in exponentially more deaths. Deaths that they could help prevent. BTW You don’t get to cherry pick what you respond to and twist the point I made by leaving out the whole thought. .@benhamill

@pineywoozle I’ve already blocked you so you probable won’t see this but others need to. That “Death to America” you clamor for, if it came, would come over the graves of those innocents caught in your unthinking uncaring selfish nihilistic lazy actions. All it would take is you and the few who align with you putting in the actual work to make the world better, but that takes selfless work and actual caring. #farL #USPol

Truth Sandwich 🥪🇺🇸😷

@Pineywoozle @chombo

I love it when I see gays for Hamas. It's like Black Klansmen.

millennial falcon

@benhamill LOVE.

Thomas Stüfe

@benhamill That is a novel and refreshing perspective, valuable.

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