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Rasmus Lindegaard

@gamingonlinux I love that they do a Linux version!

But personally, this is a game I play with friends on Windows, and since there is no cross platform compatibility, and they are not planning on making that (same for the first and second game in the series) I think they should just focus on making the game run PERFECTLY in Proton at all times.

I think many others are in the same situation as me on this one.

I can't emphasize enough how good a game this really is.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@rasmus91 this was a problem with Feral Interactive ports, no online compatibility with Windows, but Feral don't actually do any more Linux ports now

Rasmus Lindegaard

@gamingonlinux i know. Playing Borderlands 2 with friends broke...

I really want Linux native gaming, but alternatively i think if most games just had proton as their target runtime, all would be well.

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