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Graham Spookyland🎃/Polynomial

@skye yeah the hazers probably got turned up a bit high. I've made the same mistake while recording lasers too.

skze :nonbinary_flag:

@gsuberland you speak to me as if i am someone who knows how this stuff works but in reality i’m just someone who enjoys when strong machine cause smoke

Graham Spookyland🎃/Polynomial

@skye you can't see lasers through the air without particles for the light to reflect off, so you haze the room with a haze machine ("hazer" for short). the machine just pumps propylene glycol, like you find in vape fluid, onto a hotplate and blows the vapour out the front with a fan. you usually try to adjust the output to keep the haze level consistent, but it's kinda tricky to get it exactly right in large rooms and it's easy to get distracted while filming and leave it turned up too high.

Graham Spookyland🎃/Polynomial

@skye there are a couple bits towards the end of this show I did a while back where you can really see that I left the foggers on a bit too long and everything got a bit opaque and fuzzy!

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