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Hraban (fiëé visuëlle)

I don’t think so, it’s not related to foreigners. Origin unclear, some speculations:

BTW it’s “zum Bahnhof”.


Catherine Flick

@fiee @jensclasen goes to show how long it's been for me ^_^;;;;;;

Hraban (fiëé visuëlle)

Prepositions are generally not easy, I guess. And I assume I make many mistakes in English…

am = an dem = at the
zum = zu dem = to the

Many Germans also use wrong prepositions, depending on dialects. Common joke:

„Wo geht’s denn hier bei Aldi?“
„ZU Aldi!“
„Was, schon so spät?“


@CatherineFlick @fiee My favourite:„Gib mir ein Bier aber mit ohne Alkohol.“

Hraban (fiëé visuëlle)

@ppscrv @CatherineFlick
“mit ohne” is quite common, but always used jokingly (so far…)

WRT alcohol: people often use “antialkoholisch” instead of “alkoholfrei”, but to drink something that removes alcohol is still wishful thinking 😉

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