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A CT machine without its casing


@stux and that’s why they have a casing



Are we sure it isn’t a stargate?

Mr. Bruno :verified:

@stux Awesome! You mean I might have time-traveled in one of those?


@stux *terminator theme tune intensifies*



That naked #CT machine looks very
…disturbing to get close to as a squishy human being.


@Suran @stux we put a little plastic shield on it, not to keep you safe, but to give you fewer reasons to be scared


@stux amazing that we don’t get transported to another galaxy in that thing.

Rui Malheiro

@stevenray they _do_ transport you to another dimension. I entered one of those in 2014 and now I'm stuck in this evil upside-down universe where actual fascists are tolerated.


@stux ok this interesting but that scares the living shit out of me. I don’t think I want to get in one of those again, but I will if I have to.

Poketipoketipo ✨

@littlescraps @stux that comment, I was about to say the exact same thing (except the conclusion : it's over, I'm f*cked, no way I'm entering this thing ever again)


@pokelain @stux ha ha yeah. I hope I don’t have to, cause I will resist. God I thought I was scared of Anesthesia. Mother of GOD. I can imagine things flying out of the encasement, although if we think it through wouldn’t centrical force make it fly away from us inside and take out the tech running it?

Pepijn Schmitz

@littlescraps @pokelain @stux I was just about to say: inside this machine is the safest place to be if it disintegrates.

🇳🇱 Jeroen 🇺🇦 🇺🇦

@ivor @qotca @stux But not less noisy! Nobody warned me when I got into an mri machine for the first time, and the sound freaked me out.

Ivor Hewitt

@jeroen94704 @qotca @stux I've had numerous MRI and CTs. I always find the noises so fascinating. I never did find a good explanation of *what* the different sounds meant.

AT-AT Assault :verifiedtrans:

@ivor @jeroen94704 @qotca @stux

The CT machine noise should be apparent from the OP, but just to make it clear: You're hearing the giant motor that spins that thing around several times per second.

The MRI machine is a bit different. The noises it makes are literally the machine itself creaking in different ways to the different types of varying magnetic fields it uses to scan you.

🇳🇱 Jeroen 🇺🇦 🇺🇦

@atatassault @ivor @qotca @stux “Creaking” doesn’t really do it justice IMHO 😀. A wooden ship under sail “creaks”, or an old rocking chair. An MRI machine is more akin to sticking your head inside a large church bell and someone hitting it with a hammer

Jakob (Jack/Jackie)

@qotca @stux I might have gotten it wrong. I did some searching TM and there are some very similar looking MRI machines but also CT machines. Apparently with the modern MRIs the non-superconductive coils are nowhere near as visible as they were with the really old ones.
So I'm not sure anymore ^^'


@jakob @qotca I guessed indeed on CT since it came the "closest" but there are indeed MRI's that look a crazy load like this one!

I'm not 100% sure

Jakob (Jack/Jackie)

@stux @qotca one pointer could be that it does not have a helium vent pipe but I heard that modern ones recover almost all of the helium in case of a quench so this also isn't a reliable way to tell

Jakob (Jack/Jackie)

@stux @qotca also *many* results on google image search seem to be wrong. most results for "MRI without cover" that have visible part numbers are CT scanners...

Jakob (Jack/Jackie)

@stux @qotca Ah. Should've thought a bit more about it... MRIs should not need to rotate (they don't have a reason to due to their completely different working principle as far as I know) so this most likely is a CT scanner


@qotca @jakob Luckily i have not! 😮

i should edit the toot to CT/MRI

DELETED replied to stux⚡

@stux @jakob

I've had, maybe, 10.

They sure do spin. And they're loud. The techs give you headphones with your choice of music. And a warm blanket.

No. Metal. Either in, or outside, your body.

Still loud.

Unai Herran replied to DELETED

@qotca @stux @jakob after 20 years servicing CTs (and occasionally some MRI) y can promise you there isn’t a rotating part in an MRI. The sound you hear is just the vibration of the coils due to the magnetic field.

Jakob (Jack/Jackie)

@qotca @stux I've seen one MRI in person doing it's thing and had multiple CT scans done.
The MRI did not spin or had any obvious clues to being spinny (like an audible spinup/spindown phase) while the CT had very obviously a rotating part inside

Jakob (Jack/Jackie) replied to DELETED

@qotca @stux there are even open MRI machines that aren't even "donut shaped"

Jim Hughes ☢️

@qotca @jakob @stux they do not spin.
Protons within hydrogen atoms spin in MR, but nothing in the MR gantry rotates. Certainly not around the Z axis.


@qotca @stux
No, MRIs don’t move.
The Ring of an MRI is a very strong static Magnet, and small magnetic Coils with variable Fields are placed around the body parts you want to examine.


@MarcelNBG @qotca I was also checking for this before posting and indeed there's a difference! It was orignally posted as MRI but after some checks it turned out to be a CT

Ivor Hewitt

@stux whoa! 🤯 Never realised there was actually spinny stuff inside them, just assumed there were a ring of magnets that pulsed in sequence.


@ivor you’re probably thinking of MRT. That’s the device that measures by magnetism. CT is really a moving X-Ray.

Ivor Hewitt

@ComPod it's basically a box with "magic" inside. 🪄😁


@ivor we call it „physics“ for some reason

Crumbs the Cat

@stux it would be a lot more energy-efficient to spin the patient instead


@stux sounds like the tasmanian devil to me for some reason


@stux Very impressive, but it does make me a little sad.

We are capable of making amazing and clever machines (like a CT scanner) to assist doctors and the medical profession, but spend the money and effort on horrible machines (tanks, missiles, guns) that mean that doctors and surgeons are required.

@stux That looks forking scary! And sounds it too!!
Marcos Dione

@stux most probably it's like car rims, where they just add small ballasts until it's balanced.


@stux Got to keep that well balanced.


@stux it used to be my work. Siemens, I suppose?

Sir Farts Alot

@stux I would hate to be inside one of these things if it goes off the rails!

So‑Called Vaughn

@horqua @stux Thought the same, but hopefully most of the bits and bobs are ejected outward. Would still scare the crap out of me.

Psoul 🏳️‍🌈:vbike:🇺🇸

@stux this is in fact a star gate and I urge you to close the iris.

Concepts of a Patrick

That's what Jodie Foster went through to see the aliens in Contact.

When's That

@stux Honestly, probably easier to just spin the patient.

Unai Herran

@stux I’ve been thinking about making a video on how a CT and and MRI machine work for several months.

Reading this thread I think is just the time.

@stux Let’s make CT machines with transparent casings so spotting problems is easier!

(I should really consider a career in marketing or product design, don’t you think?)

🇨🇦 OhOkKay

I was never afraid to go into a CT machine ...


@stux so I was lying in the entrance to a wormhole??

Jim Hughes ☢️

@denkbeteiligung @stux @phoenyx some have different modes where they can rotate faster or slower.

The Homespun Days

@stux that's so ironic because they're made to us without our casing.


@stux Huh. I get to go climb in another one of these soon. Welp. It was fun while it lasted! 😬

národní prase
@stux probably have to design the PCBs for this like for spacecraft, so G forces don't shear off too large capacitors for example 🤔
Twitter_expat ✅(Fedi Resident)


Effective cooling is so important for human technological advancing and I think we have not done enough research in that field.

Erzkatzlerin Eklektra

@stux Theoretically, I knew what was happening in there, but I still wish I'd never seen it.


@stux Nuh uh this is redneck engineering stargate

Andre Geißler

@stux Wouldn't it be easier to rotate the patient inside?


@stux This is what nightmares are made of.
Put the casing back!


@stux now I'm terrified of getting a CT scan (and not because of the radiation)


@toadjaune No need! they are balanced puuurfectly well as you can see 😉 now you know why they make the noise


@stux yeah, this balancing is impressive !

still, the cinetic energy here must be huge, I'd rather not be there if a nut goes flying ^^

Lewis Edwards

@stux I would not be comfortable standing that close to that.

Dan Drake

@stux my washing machine needs to take lessons from that machine. If there's a couple towels in it, my washing machine on its spin cycle seems determined to shake itself across my basement.

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