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Hannah Kolbeck 🏳️‍⚧️

I posted about brain cancer and hope to find people to pick up the torch on my accessibility projects that I think could help make the web better. I have a major surgery May 29th and time is short. I will only become less able.

Summaries and links can be found here:

I'm happy to answer any questions, or just discuss things, but I do ask that kind words on cancer not be posted here, despite my appreciation for them.

Boosts and sharing elsewhere appreciated.

💜 Hannah

שִׁמְעוֹן Ⓐ :polyamory_flag:

@hannah Take this virtual hug as an empowerment and thank you that you exist on this earth and are leaving your sign on it. 🥺

Matthew Merkovich :clippy:

@hannah "I'm happy to answer any questions, or just discuss things, but I do ask that kind words on cancer not be posted here, despite my appreciation for them."

Having just finished radiation and chemotherapy, I 100% hear you on that!

Taran Rampersad

@hannah I boosted. Good projects. Hopefully we get the right eyes on it to get the right shoulders behind them.

Eric Hellman

@hannah @vmbrasseur hi Hannah! Could we perhaps have a chat?

Nate Gullion

@hannah I'll have a look at these later this evening as this is a cause I'm super passionate about myself and I'd love to help



#accessibility #a11y

maybe add some more hashtags that are better related (I’ve no idea what these could be as it’s totally not my area of expertise)


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