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Alex Gleason
Q: Why Google Drive? Can we add NextCloud or some FOSS alternative?

A: If you are self hosting NextCloud, you should just self-host a Nostr relay.

Google Drive is valuable specifically because it is the opposite of a Nostr relay. It fills a gap in the Nostr ecosystem. Using NextCloud to inch it further away misses the point. Google Drive Relay is used BECAUSE it's on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm not saying there's no room for anything in between. But the further you try to inch it away, the closer you get to simply recreating Nostr Relays. I understand the skepticism. But in my view, this is how Nostr does an Extend-Embrace-Extinguish of legacy tech. This is Art of War. 😂
Guys, the Google Drive Relay is real.
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