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JC Brand

The Mastodon instance my account is on has been down a lot lately. I feared it wouldn't come back up. Perhaps time to get a new account, but where?

Preferably more on the free speech side, but not banned to all hell.

The admin has been chill.

JC Brand

@guusdk I appreciate the offer thanks. Have you guys considered implementing the XMPP bridge? That would be awesome!

Guus der Kinderen

@jcbrand we have not considered it before, but I'm open. @claude is that something that you're interested in trying?

🇨🇭Claude Stabile :linux:

@guusdk @jcbrand
Openfire/XMPP+mastodon would be a very interesting step ahead. It can be a game changer in social networks landscape bringing decentralized fediverse
chat, social network and even P2P VidCalls. But doing that needs fundings and quite a big effort. Unless no business angel or investor is found to cover Dev, Infra it will not happen. Till now mastodon does not bring me any revenue, only charges.
I am interested but serious sponsor/investor for project is needed first. Anyone ?

JC Brand

@claude @guusdk

Are you aware of the work from @Goffi ?

He recieved funding and created an AP/XMPP bridge. AFAIK it's still rough around the edges, but it exists.

Guus der Kinderen

@jcbrand @claude @Goffi You're talking about right? I've not used it before. I was under the impression that it's a self-contained solution, not so much a headless bridge to Mastodon. I'm not saying that that's bad - I'm just trying to figure out exactly what we'd be talking about. :)


@guusdk @jcbrand @claude

The gateway is a server component that can work with any server or client, not only .

About the status, it's working. I have 2 more things to do before the release:

- HTTP signature for GET requests (it's only done for POST requests right now), which will make it compatible with secure mode of other implementations.

- Use per-user encryption keys. For now it's one for the whole instance.

Both things are easy to do, I just need some time.

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