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This Pokémon only spawns in areas with the natural=beach tag. As a result, some players have been adding beaches near their neighborhoods to make it easier to catch the Pokémons. In fact, I've already come across Pokémon GO player blogs that actively encourage other players to edit the OpenStreetMap data directly to facilitate easier catching.

Ilya Zverev

@rtnf Niantic uses outdates map data, there's no confirmation that newsly mapped beaches affect pokemon spawns. Basically a few players encourage thousands other playes to vandalize the map, and a company is held accountable.

Marcos Dione

@zverik @rtnf it's not like a gun manufacturer being blamed for the people their guns kill. To complete the metaphor, the gun manufacturer would have to blindly give prizes for dressing people as deer and shooting them. Or something like that. IIRC, this is the second time Pokemon Go players 'cheat' by vandalizing the map; Niantic should have learned the first time. Honestly, if I played the game and there were prizes on ski slopes, glaciers or polar caps, I would feel pretty frustrated too.

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