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Mister Moo 🐮

@philip @acdha @Edent They could add a box with details about the call. "We are talking to you on the number (XXX)XXX-XXXX. You placed the call to us at X:XX. If any of this is incorrect, please tap 'No, it's not me.'" In this case "No" should change to something like "I have concerns"

Mister Moo 🐮

@notsoloud @philip @acdha @Edent That's why I suggested including whether the call was in- or out-bound. The point is to give someone a clue so they can have an a-ha moment and go 'wait, something's wrong.'


@notsoloud @MisterMoo @philip @acdha @Edent

Right, but "you called us" is hopefully hard to get past someone who did not in fact call the bank, but rather just received a call from them.

lp0 on fire :unverified:

@MisterMoo, assuming that each X represents exactly one digit, I'd find that phone no. extremely suspicious as it's too short; and the only 3-digit area code which I can think of is 020.

Darren Moffat

@lp0_on_fire @MisterMoo that is a US format phone number which can never start with 1 or 0. 020 in the UK is a London number.

Mister Moo 🐮

@darrenmoffat @lp0_on_fire It was just an example. Presumably it can be modified for telephone numbers across the world.

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