@dubroy I manually copied values from https://larsenwork.com/easing-gradients/. I think the problem is that RGB is not linear? @nikitonsky @dubroy Yeah it's funny (read: irksome) that Figma lets you have adjustable higher-level continuity on corner radius but not on gradients. @spiralganglion @dubroy I think it was a passion project of someone at Figma? Feels very random. Hope someone will a passion to do gradients too @nikitonsky Computer graphics are layers of abstractions 🙃 Everything simple thing is complex. The lack of simplicity here is arguably just that this tool is missing an abstraction for eased gradients |
@nikitonsky I'm kind of surprised CSS doesn't let you specify the interpolation function.
How did you determine the steps? Is it a linear approximation of a Gaussian or something?