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Niki Tonsky

I was watching the latest “No CGI is just invisible CGI” video and noticed this VFX breakdown from Last of US.

First (clear) one is unfinished. Second is “finished” comp.

But WHY?

You can see so much more in the first one, it looks great already IMO

Warren Henning

@nikitonsky one of the best reasons to watch Father Brown and Sister Boniface Mysteries on the Peacock channel is that they are not afraid of shooting in broad daylight and having bright colors that are not color graded into grey muddy dishwater. a revolutionary act in 2024

Niki Tonsky

@whenning I was so happy seeing that Challengers don’t rely on color correction that much. And a bit disappointed Zone of Interest fucked around with saturation in an otherwise excellent film

Julik Tarkhanov

@nikitonsky I've done a ton of those - the likely reason is "guiding the viewer's attention". So it is possible that for Story™ or Director Vision™ it was important that the lights are more apparent than the rest of the scene, even if the scene is great.

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