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Guillaume Rischard

@zverik @sotm our 2024 budget includes 12k£ for local chapters and 133k£ on engineering, which includes editor software. This is a lot more than previous years, and shows how supporting mappers is a priority for us. Our income is our limit.

Afaik, Overture and Niantic haven't spent a penny on supporting mappers.

Ilya Zverev

@grischard That's great, I know of this and I support this! I just wish that

a) OSMF had more income (which doesn't appear magically, it's daily work setting up partnerships and planning, and that's not a job for volunteers), and

b) it did more direct outreach (like microgrants and pizza funds and community funds), in addition to €80k for iD development (essential) and like €24k sponsorship between EWG and LCCWG.

Guillaume Rischard

@zverik tell Niantic to actually become a member then :). There is a microgrant budget for both of these - again, limited by income. I hope you have cool ideas for a microgrant in the pipeline.

Ilya Zverev

@grischard One of the points I mentioned in my rant, I don't believe an extra €30k would do any change.

This model would work if we had 100+ organizations as platinum members. With just two (one of which did not intend to), it is unsustainable and indicates something's wrong with the entire corporate sponsorship framework.

I'd prefer for big companies to wait until OSMF comes with a program aimed at big donors that demonstrates their money would indeed make the map better.

Andy Allan

@zverik @grischard €30k is the membership cost, not the upper bound for how much a company can contribute in a given year if OSMF has a particular funding drive / specific program that might be of interest to them.

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