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Michal Migurski 📦

@zverik Good thread, you’re basically on target. Overture is an outcome of OSMF’s traditional policy to remain as small as possible, plus a decade of the originating companies repeating each others’ work on OSM mapping and validation and finally realizing they have a common interest.

Ian Dees

@migurski @zverik Yep, this is my read on the situation as well. Companies want someone to talk to and some way to support mapping efforts. When they didn't get that from OSMF they made their own thing.

Michal Migurski 📦

@ian @zverik That lost decade was a key ingredient: those of us who’ve moved through these companies working on OSM-adjacent things kept hearing the same stuff in our informal chats over the years, like “oh yeah they’re trying to figure that out at the fruit company too but nobody’s allowed to share notes unless we create an exec-approved structure to do it in” … this is what LF is for.

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