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Baldur Bjarnason

@NatureMC You seem to have decided to reply in a confrontational manner to a post where I put in effort not to be confrontational. If you intended this to be a constructive reply, then you probably should have phrased it differently

Like I said, people are more and more dismissing links out of hand because they spot that the preview thumbnail is a generated image

Using a generated image to illustrate writing that isn't generated gives people on social media the false impression that it's spam

Petra van Cronenburg

@baldur Sorry, that's probably because English is a foreign language for me. I didn't want to be confrontational, but I wanted to ask what exactly you mean by this expression for the sake of my understanding.
I know the term "generated AI art". In art itself, ‘generated art’ is not generally associated with AI. Video artists, for example, generate performances using different techniques (without AI).
I just wanted to be sure about what do we speak here? I suppose it's generative *AI* art?

Petra van Cronenburg

@baldur I only tried to explain this in my post to explain my question. Again sorry for my bad English.

Baldur Bjarnason

@NatureMC So, in colloquial English, “generated art” is usually taken to mean the same thing as “generative art”. That is, something algorithmically generated, which today largely means something created using a statistical generative model such as a diffusion model or GAN. It’s a superset that includes both “AI” generated art and that created by simpler algorithms, although the simpler generated art doesn’t have the same negative connotations among audiences

Petra van Cronenburg

@baldur Thank you for explaining your post. This is exactly what I wanted to know.

Baldur Bjarnason

@NatureMC 🙂👍🏻 Glad we got there despite the initial misunderstanding

Petra van Cronenburg

@baldur No problem. It's good that you asked me. 🙂

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