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Brodie Robertson

Is this Factorio dev one of my viewers lol

Feng Lengshun

@BrodieOnLinux I love that having an opinion on Gnome and Wayland just makes it clear he's also a passionate user of Linux, instead of just clock-in type of Ubuntu Linux user at work.

Brodie Robertson

@fenglengshun Here are his dotfiles, you'll find zathura, nnn, i3, dmenu and a bunch of other fun things

Feng Lengshun

@BrodieOnLinux bro has smug anime-ish girl as github pfp, defo a legit linux enthusiast, would not be surprised he watches your videos

Ian Douglas Scott

@BrodieOnLinux The manual for has this note: "Please don’t ask about window decorations in Gnome. The current behavior is the intended behavior. Gnome does not want windows to have decorations, and Tracy respects that choice. If you find this problematic, use a desktop environment that actually listens to its users."

Not sure either comment is *entirely* accurate, but it does seem Wayland compositors other than Gnome have pretty much all chosen to support SSDs.

Nick Bisby

@BrodieOnLinux Theres also no decorations on i3wm/swaywm. Which is kinda the point. I dont WANT decorations. Client side decorations just force them in an inconvenient way.


@bisby @BrodieOnLinux it seems like gtk supporting hiding decorations at a toolkit level would be the best approach, then it could just be easily disabled on anything that uses ssd.


@bisby @BrodieOnLinux
IIRC the window borders technically count as server-side decorations.


@bisby @BrodieOnLinux That's not true! Sway supports pixel borders and simple title bars. Neither of these are something I would call "no decorations"


@BrodieOnLinux whilst most GNOME design decisions work well enough for my personal use case, I'm definitely keen for more strong competition in this space (opinionated batteries-included desktop environments)

Perhaps COSMIC, XFCE, KDE and others can see enough (Wayland) polish to at least give users viable alternatives, that way GNOME's design won't have the massive impact it currently has (and maybe they'll reconsider)


@jokeyrhyme @BrodieOnLinux yeah, my main issues with GNOME are about the unwillingness the project sometimes has to work with other desktops.

Like, it's not for me but I can see why some people like it. Stuff like this just forces everyone to work around them instead of implementing basic features that would save everyone elses time.


@BrodieOnLinux Looking on my Windows desktop (at work) seems like 80% of apps have client-side decorations. I gotta say the experience is quite inconsistent across apps, but most people won't notice the subtle differences.

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