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Pietervdvn :mapcomplete:

I wanted to learn the names of the neighbourhoods in #Ghent, so I made me a #puzzle. I added the neighbourhoods in #OpenStreetMap , then made a custom theme in #MapComplete and use the 'export as PNG'-functuon. The background is a modified stylesheet for @protomaps

Harry Wood

@pietervdvn @protomaps Nice! Probably more sensible than the 1000 peice beast I went for, although you've done a rendering (or zoom level) without street labels which must've made it harder!

Harry Wood

@InsertUser @mappery @pietervdvn @protomaps That's the one! It's also on my blog from way back in 2009 when I first got it printed: (The street labels are definitely a bit fuzzy though)


They don't seem to have put their price up in 15 years‽ Other than postage of course.
@mappery @pietervdvn @protomaps

Harry Wood

@InsertUser Oh yeah: £29.99 They have a whole section for map puzzles on there now, but not OpenStreetMap.

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