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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@Foritus it's ADHD if you also have no perception of time, frequently realise you've been doing something for 9 hours straight without drinking or eating or going to the toilet, find yourself staring at a wall for hours instead of doing a trivial task that would take two minutes, often forget objects exist when they're out of sight, put literally everything off to the last second, pick up endless projects and never finish them, find it impossible to shut your brain off, and are chronically late

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@Foritus (and, critically, most of these things to a degree where it constantly impacts your life)


@gsuberland @Foritus And with some, the brain shuts up only when thoroughly exhausted, leading to irregular sleeping patterns.


@gsuberland @Foritus 1. Have a task to do
2. Do 90% of the task.
3. “Eh, the rest is just wrapping it up.” <—-That’s the bastard
4. Leave task to gather dust for months.
5. In a total panic at the last minute; “WHY DO I KEEP DOING THIS?”

bEA 🔓

@gsuberland why are you writing every performance review I've ever had?

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