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If I can give a recommendation for those who want to learn to solder/desolder but are poorly practised...

Get yourself some old, shitty PCB's. Any will do. Just use something ruined that you don't intend to fix or is irreparable.

Practise desoldering and resoldering components. Eventually the pads will fall off, but that is okay, you can get a few cycles out of it before that happens.

Solder random crap into various positions. Practise removing SMT components with J tips on soldering irons. It's extremely difficult, but you can also try resoldering them (though the Right Way is to reflow a board with solder paste in the oven)

You have to learn soldering by doing, you can't learn it from a book alone.

1 comment
eri :vlpn_smol:
@Elizafox we learned by buying cheap kits online.
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