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Ark 🏳️‍⚧️

@alfredbaudisch @sos elixir must be designed to make you do this. this one constantly writes really long variable names

1 comment
Alfred R. Baudisch

@ark_lamp_umbrella @sos It's unrelated to the language, it's personal preference. General Elixir code bases are not like that, they are actually very concise.

I do that in all languages, last year I did a lot of C# and also have VERY long function names. Likewise with GDScript (Godot). Two open-source examples from me: and (well, even the repository name is long in this case).

Or like sos's MS DOS example, that's in C.

@ark_lamp_umbrella @sos It's unrelated to the language, it's personal preference. General Elixir code bases are not like that, they are actually very concise.

I do that in all languages, last year I did a lot of C# and also have VERY long function names. Likewise with GDScript (Godot). Two open-source examples from me: and

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