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technical details cuz u guys are all nerds :3

i kinda lied its not really an "app" because it isnt doing the rendering on the 3ds.

its actually a web app. the miiverse app on the 3ds is actually just an applet that embeds a web page.
if uve ever heard of those "miiverse replacement" services like pretendo or rverse what theyre doing is basically just patching the urls the client goes to with their own servers . this is what im doing.

i wrote a server in python that does ssr page rendering, proxying for images and has some routes for favoriting/boosting/etc that the client uses xmlhttprequest with.

writing a website compatible with this things ancient web browser was fun. and i didnt even need to do that many css crimes!! its funny bc in making this i accidentally made a really simple mastodon web app that can run on like. chrome version 3

carelessMisfit (chloe)

@760ceb3b9c0ba4872cadf3ce35a7a4 I would actually use this as my daily driver client on desktop, you should release the source!


@freeplay i want to do that but its a little difficult. because it requires a server if i hosted it somewhere then itd mean taking peoples full r/w mastodon credentials and storing them or at least dealing with them . which i obviously dont want to do. so im not totally sure


@760ceb3b9c0ba4872cadf3ce35a7a4 @freeplay i think just publishing the source code and letting people selfhost it would be fine


@760ceb3b9c0ba4872cadf3ce35a7a4 i want to interact with this software and read its code so bad you have no idea


@760ceb3b9c0ba4872cadf3ce35a7a4 this is actually really really cool, i've been trying to make something similiar for quite a while now, but i'm glad someone else did it before me, this looks so much better than my crappy design.

sounddrill :verified_dragon:​

@760ceb3b9c0ba4872cadf3ce35a7a4 have you considered building lineageOS from a 3ds? has added what they call "RAS" (remote access system) to get a shell to devspace CLI from the web

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