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Ólafur Waage

Look at this compatibility workhorse.

;   SFTFromFCB - the workhorse of this compatability crap.  Check to see if
;	the SFT for the FCB is Good.  If so, make ThisSFT point to it.	If not
;	good, get one from the cache and regenerate it.  Overlay the LRU field
;	with PID
Ólafur Waage

I feel you, I also hate to do this.

; While we hate to do this, we have to.  The following data areas are
; expected to be in the CODE segment.
Ólafur Waage

That damn C compiler, always up to no good.

	 *  A note about the following " & 0xFF" stuff. This is
	 *  to prevent the damn C compiler from converting bytes
	 *  to words with the CBW instruction which is NOT correct
Ólafur Waage

And there we go, actually not bad for a source codebase. Go read it.


@gsuberland @olafurw That feels like there's been some unstated four-letter words about a certain three-letter OEM. 😁


@olafurw I'll admit a little envy seeing the swears still in there. I once managed to hold up a release of the Xbox OS due to a comment I accidentally checked in describing the resolution of Xbox 360 profile pictures as "crappy" and that triggered a red flag from the policheck source code scan. Ooops 😅

I still maintain that the images were crappy though. Like 128x128 resolution I think? 🙂

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