@Shamar @selea

Thanks for the thoughts, they're good ones!

Postgres I mostly picked because it's the database I've heard the highest praise of from everyone I've talked to who works daily with databases. Myself, I had something of a database phobia (😬) before starting work on this project so I was entirely working off other people's recommendations in that matter.

As for Python, it was mostly for access to a really great natural language processing library, Polyglot, which works well cross-language. Most of the heavy work is done by a SQL query, so it likely wouldn't be hard to reimplement in another backend language if someone so desired.

And for hosting apart from big tech, I'm currently running the live version on Uberspace which I highly recommend and which I expect will continue being able to host something like clew for the forseeable future (storage space perhaps being the main tricky bit).