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Dr. Quadragon ❌

In order to not get your ass kicked in the single-player, you need high-level items.
In order to develop high- (or even mid-)level items, you need high level units.
In order to have high level units, you have to have more platforms.
In order ho have more platforms, you have to build FOBs (for real money).
In order to build FOBs you need tons of resources.
In order to get resources, you need to GRIND GRIND GRIND other people's FOBs.

FOBs are:

- nigh impossible to do non-lethally unless you have very high-level items or unless it's 1 platform or it's VERY unprotected.
- after doing a dozen of them are boring as all fuck

So, Konami pretty much forces you to:

- Participate in multiplayer
- Pay real money
- Play lethally

And, if Konami's server glitches out, you get kicked out of the FOB, and get a penalty as if you have failed.

I like the concept of offline multiplayer, but I hate it getting forced on me like this.

Fuck Konami.

1 comment
Dr. Quadragon ❌

This could have been an excellent game, top notch.

This shit completely ruined it.

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