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🧙 This is massive
The Future of MySQL is PostgreSQL:
Today, at Postgres Conference 2024, we introduced a PostgreSQL extension we are developing, which enables MySQL applications to run on PostgreSQL without any code changes by supporting the MySQL wire protocol, SQL syntax, and procedural language. (edited)

Eva Winterschön

@tobyhede finally! this is the best news all week.

gyptazy thanks for sharing, that sounds pretty interesting

@tobyhede the AWS part of it isn't great; and IDK if it is true that Postgres replication is worse than MySQL

F4GRX Sébastien

@tobyhede that is very cool. my own personal problem with postgre is that its administration and management of db users is much more fuzzy than mysql. Do you also plan to support mysql's grant command and methods of db administration?


@tobyhede will that mean it'll finally possible to have proper error messages when working with mysql 🥺?


@tobyhede Jonah Harris is the CTO of MariaDB? Does it mean it's dead?

Andrew (LinuxJedi) Hutchings

@obrhoff @tobyhede he left as the CTO of MariaDB Plc. No, it is definitely not dead.
Also, the MariaDB Foundation exists to keep MariaDB Server development going. We work with the Plc, but are a completely separate entity.

Otto Rask


On the flipside this also could allow teams to shift from PostgreSQL towards MySQL/MariaDB as well!

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