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Tobias Fried

@GossiTheDog I'm as anti-microshit as the next guy, but "adverts that lead to executable code" sounds like the ads execute code when clicked. They're just regular ads. And every app store has problems with malicious software.

Tobias Fried

@GossiTheDog Where else would they go? Ads lead to the place where you can buy the thing.

Not defending. Its a terrible feature that I will disable as soon as possible. But the bait headline made it seem like they were much more than ads.

Kevin Beaumont

@rektdeckard I'm not sure how, it's pretty clearly about the store

Tobias Fried

@GossiTheDog it's just like, duh apps are executable code. They're advertising apps. Deep links are nothing new. It is not surprising that an ad, on some platform, would open within a specific app.

Focus on the journalistically important things in the headline.

Tobias Fried

@GossiTheDog To be clear, I hate this, and it shouldn't exist. But let's not bait with the headlines.

-- Posted shamefully from my Windows 11 Desktop

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