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🌼 Dagnabbit, Pascaline! 🌼

I actually got the Serious Request to update to 11 again today: now with a replaced start screen with buttons to click click click to get rid of this nastiness and finally, finally be able to 'decline the update'.
Until, of course, they ask me to update again.
I think it might be possible to skip the personalised ads (always funny how they claim how personalised ads are much better than general ads) but it's the incredible loss of functionality that made me run back to 10.


@pascaline @GossiTheDog I deshittified the Windows 11 ISO using Rufus and installed it last week. Seems to be pretty quiet on the ad front so far. Had to uninstall a whole bunch of default apps and spend a few hours going through all the settings though.

🌼 Dagnabbit, Pascaline! 🌼

Oh, mmm, yum.

And yeah, the time it all takes.
I was especially outraged about the 'Start' menu, and of the new, completely stripped file explorer that required, for instance, more clicks to get to a simple 'send to compressed' and so on. My evil stare was not enough, and I seriously lacked motivation to continue on this disastrous path.


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