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Of course....the new free #software model.

You get the #OS bundled for free-ish, and #Microsoft follows the #Google / #YouTube, et al, principle.

I wonder if it's the start of the new norm?

Could it ever come to #Linux? That's also free....mmmm.


@JSharp1436 @GossiTheDog Could it ever come to Linux? Well, technically it already did.

I've read somewhere that installing themes in Linux can execute arbitrary code, so it's likely Gnome would use something like that because they do love Microsoftisms and branding. Or perhaps they already did and I'm just out of the loop.

Ubuntu added ads to apt (the .deb package manager), which means executable code *with administration privileges*, and that's more or less the "start menu" for CLI admins.

Even *searching* in a packagemanager like pip (for Python) can download and execute arbitrary code.

@JSharp1436 @GossiTheDog Could it ever come to Linux? Well, technically it already did.

I've read somewhere that installing themes in Linux can execute arbitrary code, so it's likely Gnome would use something like that because they do love Microsoftisms and branding. Or perhaps they already did and I'm just out of the loop.


@lambalicious @GossiTheDog

Oh. So that sounds - technically - the route that could be taken.

I suppose a package advertising new updates and sponsors **might** be almost acceptable.... **might** ??

Ren 🐧

@JSharp1436 @GossiTheDog
This would never work on Linux, its open source and has a million distros so there would be no way to make sure this was there downstream. Some might, but just as many would remove it when packaging their distro

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