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Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Respectfully if you’re this type of person replying to me, when simply doing my job spreading news. You get blocked. Don’t be an ass.

Re: Steam refund news

Joshua Strobl :verified:

@gamingonlinux This person seems more like the kind that should be reading Kotaku or IGN France, where everything has to be come with a side of a shitty take.

I do not need my news to come with a "viewpoint". Those are called opinion pieces. If news agencies could do more "report fact directly" and not "let's get these 4 random self-proclaimed expert's opinions on the matter", the world would be a better place for it.

Keep up the good work just delivering news without all the bullshit 👍


@gamingonlinux I respect you and your work, but I heavily recommend that you pay these people no mind.

Best case scenario it’s a waste of your time, trolls will always exist

Worst case, you’re playing into their game. People actually get high off of troll bait

Trust me it really takes a mental toll on you, been there



Good God other viewpoints can speak for themselves on their own $0 Mastodon blogs. This isn't cable news.

Does everyone else on Earth have to speak for me too? Every post will be 10 gigabytes.

Gardiner Bryant

@gamingonlinux I get comments like that and I block them as well. Good for you.

Chris Godwin

@gamingonlinux I like your information because it's *not* some crude reactionary populist opinion piece. Opinion pieces are the antithesis of good journalism and the reason we have awful tabloid news organisations and Murdoch.

In my opinion you do a damn good job of providing *news* and I truly appreciate that!


LMAO what is he even asking for? Like they tweaked and fixed a hole in their refund policy and you reported that exactly as is. What more could he possibly want?


@gamingonlinux Poor guy, what is he going to do if no one tells him what to think? Also, what information are you proxying that's meant to rip people off?

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