We got done with the movie and I'm shrieking about all this and Greg is just laughing.
She's apple-shaped! LIKE ME! Usually fat women are only deemed okay if their figure it hourglass shaped. Millie, like myself, is shaped like what I call, "a friendly potato," which I said once when Jupes was commenting on how they inherited their shape from me and they loved it so much we kept it.
She's pursued by TWO GUYS! TWO! TWO! Both of them attractive, both of them nice people..... <cont --->
She has (not explicit) love scenes with both guys. It's realistic and normal. Both guys are very happy to be with her. Her body shape is never commented on, not once, not one single time.
She is seen JOGGING! It's normal! There's nothing made to be odd about it.
She's very pretty, but in a realistic way, not in the way where it's like, "We're letting you be seen as pretty but only because you have the face of a supermodel."
Her romantic issues are about normal things <cont. --->