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Aral Balkan

@helenasteinhaus @necrosis For other linguistically-challenged folks like me without easy access to a translation feature, here’s the translation of the post itself: (1/2)

Aral Balkan

Mr. Moslehner is forcibly evacuated from his birthplace in Reinickendorf. Or he deposits €4,300 so that the case can go through all instances. We'll probably get the money together! We collect via with the subject "Soli" and put the craft to the unspeakable "Am Steinberg Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH", which systematically knocks out its tenants for maximum profits. Mr. Moslehner hardly gets over the month, so let's help him save his home! (2/2)



Thank you Aral, this is one exampl of inhumanity in this system.


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