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@mookie @econads
No, its me who is looking to get out of my loneliness hell, my dark grey hole, and therefore trying to get "adopted" by these extrovert people who do go out and do stuff


@Laberpferd @mookie @econads as someone who has adopted an introvert to the extent I'm now married and have a kid: having a common interest helps. Especially helpful when trying to break into the convo is having some kind of expertise or experience the other party needs so they notice you. After that you're probably set.


@Laberpferd @mookie
How about a club to meet people? Something you're interested in in an organised context?



Thats my problem, in the society around me there are no specific clubs or public announcements of meetups

An example
"most events are private and only happening in small bubbles"

I dont find any local club, or online forum, mailing list etc. that is still alive where events, like bungee jumping, or divers going for a snorkeling day, et cetera are talked about

Either some extrovert would "adopt" me into their bubble, or i dont even know events



Thats my problem, in the society around me there are no specific clubs or public announcements of meetups

An example
"most events are private and only happening in small bubbles"

I dont find any local club, or online forum, mailing list etc. that is still alive where events, like bungee jumping, or divers going for a snorkeling day, et cetera are talked about


@Laberpferd @mookie
OK are you talking specifically about furries? (sorry I'm not sure of correct terms, I hope I'm not being offensive). Then I could see it would be much harder to connect.
Outside of that, I could suggest maybe a course at the Volks Hoch Schule or I used before. :-/

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