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Felix Lechner

@civodul Hi, thamks. That's great news! When and how does that "guix" get "pulled" please?

Ludovic Courtès

@lechner Guix is pulled when the system is built (it’s more or less the same thing as ‘guix pull’ that happens).

Felix Lechner

@civodul Hi, in the context of 'guix deploy' it almost seems that such a channel transfer should happen by default. For example, I struggle with system roll-backs because they require a local 'pull'. Could we transfer the channels by default, please?

Ludovic Courtès

@lechner You can run ‘guix system roll-back’ without having to pull first. I’m not sure what you mean.

Felix Lechner

@civodul Well, I modified my bootloader installation code.


@civodul, does that means it’s no longer necessary to invoke git pull manually? I’m looking for a way to avoid doing so for each user. Cc: @lechner

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