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Sheogorath 🦊

@stefano honestly, I don't think that article is a lot about docker but more about a lack of good practice that is possible since someone started to throw docker over the fence.

The author provides solutions for each of the mentioned problems which sound like the breakdown between Dev and Ops is still waiting to take place. It looks like most of it could be solved by a wholesome "okay guys, let me help you out here and put my knowledge into your software projects".

Stefano Marinelli

@sheogorath Exactly. The general problem, in my opinion, is the (false) feeling of being able to do without system administrators, thinking that Docker (and related solutions) are the solution. Collaboration between the parties always remains the basis for a good result.

Sheogorath 🦊

@stefano Makes sense, yes, this is something we see regularly.

0x1eef 🇵🇸 🍉 🫒

@stefano @sheogorath In the coming years I imagine we'll see business execs try to replace humans with AI. I don't think it will work but some will certainly try.

Stefano Marinelli

@0x1eef @sheogorath I agree that some business executives will attempt to replace humans with AI in the coming years. But I think it's a recipe for disaster. Not only will they fail to achieve their goals, but they'll also create chaos and disrupt the delicate balance of human collaboration and innovation. Meanwhile, we'll be left cleaning up the mess.


I get what you're saying and don't completely disagree. The point, however (and imv) is that docker promotes these practices by advertising a "flexibility" and "encapsulation" that is supposed to isolate dev and ops work. They say that you can build your software and hand it over to ops and they will ship your docker container and you're set. No need to declare dependencies to ops or monitor and update that code, it will run like that forever. Which ofc is a lie.


I get what you're saying and don't completely disagree. The point, however (and imv) is that docker promotes these practices by advertising a "flexibility" and "encapsulation" that is supposed to isolate dev and ops work. They say that you can build your software and hand it over to ops and they will ship your docker container and you're set. No need to declare dependencies to ops or monitor and update that code, it will run like that forever. Which ofc is a lie.

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