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Fedi.Tips 🎄

@jwcph @johnonolan

Ghost is a free open source blogging platform. You can host it yourself free of charge, but the developers also offer a paid service for those who don't want to self-host.

With Ghost getting ActivityPub support, it means people on Mastodon etc will be able to follow Ghost-powered blogs.

Scotty Trees

@FediTips So for the layman, is Ghosts (open-source) kind of like Substack (closed course) in a way?

Fedi.Tips 🎄


It's more like WordPress I think? Substack sites all tend to look the same.

I guess Ghost's option for paid subs is substack-like though?

Scotty Trees

@FediTips I assume that given enough time to migrate, I hope I click less on links towards substack and click more on links that use Ghosts, but I guess time will tell how the adoption goes, but good luck to Ghosts for sure I hope they can make it.

Kiran Castellino :he_him:

@FediTips @scottytrees It's about half-way between Substack and WordPress. Like Substack, you can have a paywall and send email newsletters, but on the other hand you can create a custom theme for a Ghost site (unlike Substack). However, it's not a general-purpose CMS like WordPress increasingly is, and there probably won't ever be plugins either. But hey, everyone complains about WordPress's scope creep, so if you want *just* blogging, Ghost might work for you.

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