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Best post of the day so far.... 👌 👏 👏 👏


@OccuWorld It's a valid thought, sadly. But it is important to remember that Senators and representatives are elected. By us. The rank and file. So ultimate responsibility for their actions lies with us.

Jeff ♨️ Darcy

@jmorack @OccuWorld If they're bought, they're not the people's representatives any more.



the poor have no representation, in most cases no vote… the only representation here is of the rich. things will get far more predatory if we continue on this path.

cc: @jmorack


spot on and true oh is so very true! 😎

@OccuWorld bury their wealth deep underground as well, so we don't have to keep dealing with old money weirdos whose great great great grandfathers owned a slave plantation in the 1800's
Jeff ♨️ Darcy

@OccuWorld Also, that burial should happen as soon as possible.

Darwin Woodka

@OccuWorld Can we do this with billionaires too? Like just build them tombs now and put them in?

Darwin Woodka

@Aviva_Gary @OccuWorld

Billionaire: "Um, what are you people doing?"

Us: "We're building a monument to you for when you die!"

Biilionaire: "Oh, that's cool! Neat!"

Us: "Yeah... would you like a tour?" *winks to the guys by the vault door...*


@OccuWorld Not buried, but ritualistic sati. So they can never come back



The plutocrat family gets to keep them. Politics in most capitalist countries is basically an exhibition of interest conflicts between various plutocrat factions

the Amygdalai Lama

@OccuWorld @housepanther
Radar sort: Oh Sir, it’s just the suttee agreement, don’t worry about it. Everyone signs it. 😀



what do you call a bunch of corrupt senators buried beneath a pyramid?

not a bad start.

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