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Marcin Wichary

@samueljohnson @btel Unfortunately, no digital edition is planned. Some of the reasons are explained here in the original FAQ (, but there are even more – for example, piracy! – and unfortunately the economics are just not there: A digital version would require an incredible amount of effort and frustration (the file formats are brutal) to get to the quality I’d want.

I’m not happy about this outcome, but unfortunately it’s the technology and market we currently have.

@samueljohnson @btel Unfortunately, no digital edition is planned. Some of the reasons are explained here in the original FAQ (, but there are even more – for example, piracy! – and unfortunately the economics are just not there: A digital version would require an incredible amount of effort and frustration (the file formats are brutal) to get to the quality I’d want.


@mwichary @btel 100% understood. It would be good sometime to see a list of libraries that have a copy.

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