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CodieneC 🏴󠁣󠁡󠁳󠁫󠁿

@Lynnd @MyWoolyMastadon @econads @falcennial @daviddlevine @Cbfoley It would be great if every town had a free shop for recycling stuff they no longer want or need. We were lucky that one lady in town had an old shop that wasn't being used for anything so now 2x a week you can drop off unwanted items and/or pick something up that you can use - for free.

D. B. Stuck replied to CodieneC

@CodieneC @Lynnd @econads @falcennial @daviddlevine @Cbfoley

I was watching a show that was discussing the Maker mentality in GB. There was a garbage transfer station where people pulled up to discard their rubbish. They put usable but unwanted stuff in a corner where anyone could pick from to take home. Single pane windows, busted chairs that needed paint and woodworking, lamps missing shades, etc. It was brilliant. Plus it was a community where you HAD to take your own garbage to the dump.

Lynn D replied to D. B. Stuck

@MyWoolyMastadon @CodieneC @econads @falcennial @daviddlevine @Cbfoley that’s a great idea. I think that some dumps do that here in Ontario, but ours does not.

econads replied to CodieneC

@CodieneC @Lynnd
At least in my experience (maybe US is different) charity shops charge so little it might as well be free.

@MyWoolyMastadon @falcennial @daviddlevine @Cbfoley

CodieneC 🏴󠁣󠁡󠁳󠁫󠁿 replied to econads

@econads @Lynnd @MyWoolyMastadon @falcennial @daviddlevine @Cbfoley
Is in Canada (rural Sask) and there aren't many rural charity shops. The few that are out there are darned near new pricing.

econads replied to CodieneC

@CodieneC @Lynnd
Then, please disregard my comment :-D
What's the point of a charity shop if it isn't cheaper? How odd :-)
Also, sorry for mis-nationalising you!

@MyWoolyMastadon @falcennial @daviddlevine @Cbfoley

CodieneC 🏴󠁣󠁡󠁳󠁫󠁿 replied to econads

@econads @Lynnd @MyWoolyMastadon @falcennial @daviddlevine @Cbfoley No problem - just that nowadays most charity shops are owned by big corps or churches & they like Feregi style profit

econads replied to CodieneC

@CodieneC @Lynnd
When I first moved to my town I was chary of giving to charity since it seemed like the only ones were catholic, and the catholic church (any church really I suppose) is not an organisation I wish to encourage! Luckily an Oxfam opened up shortly after.

@MyWoolyMastadon @falcennial @daviddlevine @Cbfoley

D. B. Stuck replied to econads

@econads @CodieneC @Lynnd @falcennial @daviddlevine @Cbfoley

Yep. Salvation Army and Goodwill are horrible charities. Their prices for goods they got for free are exorbitant. A few bucks more and you could buy brand new.

Lucky to have a religious charity in my area that keeps prices cheap. Saw a Tommy Bahamas shirt some time ago. The price was $5 like all of the other shirts.

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