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daniel:// stenberg://

Apparently San Francisco gets to enjoy #curl command lines in ads...

Tom :debian: :xfce:

@bagder Wow, seems to be better at showcasing curl than advertising Stytch

Jeroen Massar

@bagder do I have to read that in the voice of Samuel L Jackson ?

"Get those MFA curls of my plane!" ;)

Import Antigravity

@bagder Despite working in IT and cybersecurity for nearly 40 years is there still hope left for me that my first thought was "That's an odd way to apply for a Masters in Fine Art" a couple milliseconds BEFORE I thought "Multifactor Authentication"?

Programmer 832-529 πŸ…

@lerxst @bagder I thought the same thing; odd way for a university or college to advertise.

josh Nobody in San Francisco enjoys anything. They’re not happy unless they have something to complain about.

David Zaslavsky

@bagder I am no stranger to weird techy ads in Silicon Valley but that's a new one lol

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