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Johannes Ernst

How to broaden what comes on the table for dinner:

Help, the Bok Choi is growing much faster than I want to eat the same recipe over and over again. What else can we do with it?


Dan Lyke

@J12t Kim Chi or sauerkraut or some other pickle?

Johannes Ernst

@danlyke Hmm, hadn't thought of pickle! Maybe the next plant to try.

Ryan Singel

A bok Choi version of palak paneer. A pressure cooker v helpful for this.

You can also make the paneer in a pressure cooker from milk and vinegar

Johannes Ernst

@ryansingel Never done any Indian cooking ... maybe I should try!!

Ryan Singel

I'm not great at it, but this is pretty easy and a great way to use a ton of greens. But only done it with pressure cooker which breaks down kale/spinach/etc quite well including stems

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