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Sven Jacobs :androidHead:

@grishka @billjings @saket So Jetpack Compose is bad, too, because it was created by Google? 🤔 Do you even know what a productivity boost Compose is? And you don't need to create thousand layers of abstraction...


@svenjacobs @billjings @saket yes it is, to me. Objectively though, it's a different way to light up the pixels on the screen in the pattern you want. Not better, not worse, just different.

Do you even know what a productivity boost it is to not give a crap about "new" technologies and just keeping on using same things you were using 10 years ago? With some iterative improvements maybe, like Java 17 instead of 6, but fundamentally the same things you've had ten whole years of experience with.

Sven Jacobs :androidHead:

@grishka Yes it is different and yes there are many ways and solutions to create Android applications. But regarding "not better", I would seriously challenge that. I think Compose is a cornerstone in Android development just like the introduction of Kotlin was. Just look how much you can achieve with less code.

But I forget that you also don't like Kotlin, so I assume we will never be on the same page 😔


@svenjacobs it's a common fallacy to believe that "less code = better". Less code means more cryptic code, usually. Harder to read, understand, and debug.

I simply like Java more. Modern Java. Lately, it introduces some of the same concepts that exist in Kotlin, but does so much more thoughtfully and such that they're easy to understand even if you don't know them beforehand. Like switch expressions or records or pattern-matching instanceof. And no forced null-safety nonsense, ever.

Sven Jacobs :androidHead:

@grishka Less code doesn't necessarily mean more cryptic code. Less code can also mean less boiler plate code, which makes code harder to read and understand.

Why should

final SomeObj someObj = SomeObj()

be better than

val someObj = SomeObj()

Yes I know that Java has modern features and syntax, too, which some of them can be used for Android development. But I guess we could argue for hours, so just let's agree to disagree 😉

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