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Riley Testut :fatpikachu:

@piyuv I explained that in the post :) The CTF applies to the App Store too in EU, unfortunately


@rileytestut not if delta isn’t listed in a 3rd party App Store though, right? So if delta is only listed in App Store, and nowhere else, no ctf would apply

Riley Testut :fatpikachu:

@piyuv we already agreed to the new terms in order to launch AltStore, and Apple doesn’t allow going back once you distribute an app on another store (which we already had by the time they changed the App Store rules)

Riley Testut :fatpikachu:

@piyuv (even if Delta isn’t distributed on AltStore, it still costs us €0.50 with new terms)


@rileytestut thanks for clarifying! So to make what I said possible, you’d have to create a new Apple developer account and then Apple could, theoretically, claim that what you’re doing is against the ToS. Or if that’s not the case, you wouldn’t want to do that to show the world that Apple is causing this headache, which I’d fully agree

Riley Testut :fatpikachu:

@piyuv yup exactly, if we made another developer account and put Delta on it then Apple could terminate it (and our main one) for violating ToS 🙃


@rileytestut so once you distribute an app through a 3rd party store, you cannot change your mind and switch to apple’s. This is crazy. Thank you for explaining it. I’ve seen online people blaming you, arguing that you did it to promote altstore in eu, so I wanted to clarify this with you. In reality it’s apple’s malicious compliance.

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