@fourlastor @funkyidol @billjings @pachli thank you for this suggestion! pachli.app/about is certainly aspirational. I spent a few hours reading everything about the reason for the fork; it makes sense. (side note: it was nice to read a disagreement where both sides are generally trying to stay respectful. I feel like I don't see enough of that in the world.)

Overall, Pachli seems pretty forward-looking in terms of governance. And Nik's contribution history makes me confident that Pachli won't stagnate at least in the short-term (he was the primary code contributor to Tusky within a month of first getting involved and then for another next 7 months until he left? wow.)

The app seems solid, and I've already seen a bunch of tiny bugs that are just itching for someone to fix them. I've been looking for an app to get involved with - maybe this is it 🙂