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@jschauma A friend of mine once told me that his magic trick to remember the order was that he came up with a silly song that went "🎵Markdown links are like arrays of functions🎵" -- I don't even know the melody but I never forgot those lyrics!

And to remember whether the text of URL goes inside the parentheses, here's a trick of my own: OF COURSE it's the choice that causes problems with Wikipedia links that have disambiguation like

You're welcome!!

Anthony Sorace

@diogomafra @hisham_hm @jschauma @gruber I read that within a day of reading that brackets are before parentheses, alphabetically, so I can’t say which actually did it, but I haven’t forgotten since.

St. Chris

@diogomafra Copying @gruber’s tweet text here partly for anyone who doesn’t want to go over there, but mostly for my own reference:

“My thinking when I created Markdown is that the [brackets] around the link text look like the rectangle of a hovered-over link rendered in the browser. Make sense?”

Karl Baron

@hisham_hm @jschauma Yeah it’s the “will this actually work with a Wikipedia link” anxiety that helped me remember the order as well!!

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