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Gabriel Garrido

@ashleycollinge @molly0xfff Sorry, I was not clear. I meant using the media query for "reduced motion": `@media (prefers-reduced-motion)`.

I use this in my Hugo site so that the "jump to top" button is immediate if this setting is set in your device. Otherwise, the scroll is "smooth"

@media (prefers-reduced-motion) {
html {
scroll-behavior: auto;


@ggpsv Ahh I understand! I'm going to save that. I prefer websites to be snappy, too often I've managed to move the cursor to the next button before it's loaded, not good!

Gabriel Garrido

@ashleycollinge To be fair, CSS has changed a lot and it may be hard to keep up with all the latest things. But if you're doing a lot of animation/transition like Molly's example, it's good practice to respect that setting.

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