@nikitonsky Re: CSS stuff.
The position of the font in the line-height could be possible to fix in the future (https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face/ascent-override, no Safari support for now, sadly).
Aligning icons to the middle of cap-height: https://blog.kizu.dev/cap-height-align/ with the `cap` unit, we can do even without known icon size (via middle align + negative margin and a difference between `ex` and `cap`).
@nikitonsky Also, for flex/grid centering:
- If the element is guaranteed the only one, `margin: auto` on it is often enough.
- Otherwise, `place-items: center` + `place-content: center` will work equally on both flex and grid (as it does both align+justify, so covers either, and easier to remember this case).